
What red hair colour is good with fair skin with pink tones
What red hair colour is good with fair skin with pink tones

what red hair colour is good with fair skin with pink tones

Winter cools can go a little bit darker in their clothing colors, sporting shades of black, navy blue, red and bright pink. To avoid looking pale and washed out, stay away from black, orange and earth tones. Just about any pastel shade will do, although neutrals can also be worn well by this type of coloring. Women with summer-cool skin tones will look best in soft hues of blue, mauve and lavender. When shopping for clothing, it works best to divide women with this coloring into two specific categories: summer cools, who are generally blondes and brunettes with a light eye color (think Cameron Diaz) and winter cools, such as Courtney Cox, who usually sport darker hair and eyes with their fair complexion. You may have the perfect hair color and makeup shades for a cool skin tone, but it won't have the right effect if you don't finish off your look with a wardrobe tailored just for cools. For more makeup shades for cool skin tones, check out for a complete color chart based on your complexion. Finish off with a coat or two of navy or grey mascara, since black is often a bit too bold for this type of coloring. Think jewel tones for this skin color – sapphire, amethyst or emerald – and avoid the earthy hues anywhere on your face. Cool tones can also wear the frosted eye shadow shades with finesse. Eye shadows come in a broad spectrum of colors, from icy blues, violets and greens, to soft pink, lavender and lilac pastels. Follow that application with a sweep of rose or plum blush across the cheeks and berry, rose, mauve or plum lipstick on your mouth. Begin with a pink based foundation that will coax a rosy glow out of your skin. The right makeup shades will make the difference between a radiantly cool complexion and one that looks washed out and tired.

what red hair colour is good with fair skin with pink tones what red hair colour is good with fair skin with pink tones


Makeup for Cool Skin Tones Mirror, mirror, on the wall who's the fairest of them all? You are, if you know how to apply makeup to that fair complexion of yours. If these characteristics apply to you, and you passed the cool color test above, you can safely assume you are a cool skin tone and plan your makeup, hair and clothing appropriately. Cool complexions are often naturally pale with rosy cheeks, and the veins you can see under the skin have a blue tint to them. Natural hair color is usually light brown, blonde, red or brunette, and eyes are green, blue or gray. Overall, cool gals will look better in silver or white-gold jewelry, and will wear shades of pink and fuchsia well. If you see these positives when you hold up shades of blue, pink and lilac, you are definitely “cool.” Cool skin tones also tend to fall into a few general categories, although none of these guidelines is a hard or fast rule. Good color choices will result in attention being drawn to your eyes, a smoother appearance to the skin, and a healthy and vibrant complexion. You can also determine your skin tone by holding a number of different colors of fabric near your face to see which shades are the most flattering to you. If you are a warm tone, the gold will bring out the best hand. If you have a cool skin tone, the hand placed on the silver fabric will look pinker and healthier.

What red hair colour is good with fair skin with pink tones